Monday, March 12, 2012

Holiday Monday

A very enjoyable day on the public holiday. We drove up to the Adelaide Hills and into Mt Barker to visit the breeder of our darling Russian Blue, who has about 4 litters at the moment......oh it was so hard not to bring another home

We had lunch in Balhannah and drove to Strathalbyn to search through the antique shops

Things were a bit expensive but I found this nice old jug from Stoke-on-Trent for $8


  1. Oh, those kittens are adorable!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. So cute! How could you resist?
    Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

  3. Ahhh those kittens are SO CUTE!!! I don't know how you got away without taking one, if not all of them!

    1. It was very difficult but the price of them was enough to put us off from buying another one!

  4. Oh my gosh, just look at those sweet kitten faces. I bet there was a bag search when leaving. x

  5. Oh my goodness. Those kittens are adorable!


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